Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chilly Charleston

Its been a few months since I’ve been back to Charleston, but thanks to my friends Martin and Emily Avery their wedding was a great reason to make a quick weekend trip back.  Unfortunately due to Russ’ schedule he couldn’t make the trip with me.   It was still a great trip, much chiller than I thought it would be though.  Im so thankful I threw that last minute sweater in my suitcase. Lifesaver.  I left Jacksonville’s 90 degree weather and traded it in for a brisk 65 degrees… hello Fall. It makes me think about scarves, pumpkin baked goods, hot cocoa, apple crisp.. and all things warm and cozy.

First I took a visit to my first job out of college to see all my old coworkers and have lunch with one of them, Marsha.  It took an hour of chatting with them before Marsha and I got to actually leave to eat, but it was great to see everyone again.  It was definitely an experience and a growing period working there.  Thank you Jim N Nicks for your amazing cheddar corn biscuits that made lunch so wonderful.. and Marsha too of course.. but come on, those biscuits are good!

Then a visit to see my freshman year of college roommate Sarah.. who is amazing.  We got to spend some time together not just Friday, but Saturday too.  Both of us have changed so much over the past a lot of years, but regardless we still click so well.   She has always been one of those people that I instantly feel connected to and on the same wave length.  Saturday we got lunch at the sweetest soup/sandwich place ever.. Laddles.  Best Broccoli Cheddar soup ever.

Sarah and I freshman year.. wayyyyyyy back

Wedding Time!
Such a wonderful wedding.  Emily looked beautiful (“the best she’ll ever look” anyone who attended the ceremony knows what I mean).  Such a great atmosphere of love, family, and friends.  Amazing couple, amazing people, amazing night.

So many people to see in less than 48 hours.. thanks to the wedding I got to see a lot of people all in one shot. 

Abbey and I: my friend from college, we were two peas in a pod back then and thankfully have reconnected

Deidra and I: clearly she isn’t into this picture as much as I am

The awesome coldstone icecream/cake/whipcream cupcakes

..I think Erik may have liked the cupcakes.. just a little (Abbey’s husband)

Karl and Wendy

Maribeth: she’s such a joyous amazing person

After a long evening I headed back to Kendall & Brooke’s home (Kendall was my old roomie and both are great friends).  We chatted until we’d worn ourselves out enough to fall asleep, 2am.  And when we woke in the morning.. Breakfast time!! Kendall and I used to go every Saturday into Mount Pleasant to eat at the Charleston Café, and have a cup of Chai.  Clearly I had to fit in a visit there on this trip.  We gorged ourselves on an appetizer of a fried cinnamon bun, biscuits n gravy, a banana honey pecan peanut butter burrito, and something that looks like breakfast nachos.. all my favorites.

The fried cinnamon bun and chai tea latte.

Saturday Afternoon:
A quick visit to see Jayne Karasch who I have known since I first moved to Charleston in 2002.  What an amazing woman of God.  She always knows what to say to inspire me.

Time to leave:
After a fun filled Friday and Saturday it is time to head home to see my wonderful husband.. But the fun isn’t over! Our friend Chelsea and her daughter Bella are coming to stay with us for 2 weeks.  Her hubbie can come the whole time, but will be visiting.  It’s gonna be a great couple weeks!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Getting used to the Navy Life

It was one thing when Russ and I were dating, but once we got married and he was no longer on shore duty things changed.  It has been an adjustment to get used to him getting home late or not being home at all.  That is definitely a negative of the navy life, but even though there are times when I miss him, there are definitely some positives of being a naval officer's wife.  Here is a little update on how my life has changed from a single civilian to a navy wife…

a "dining out" event last year, when we were dating

The navy comes first.  If Russ gets a call he may need to go in, or if a hurricane comes he will go out to sea, or if something is going on with the ship she may stay late… very late, there is no altering his schedule to plan a spur of the moment vacation.  Right now his job controls his time and where he is and when we're together or not.  Even though the navy comes first time wise, I know that God and I are always top priority with Russ, I am blessed to have a husband that feels that way.

...and now Im a Navy Wife

Coming from a non-military family and growing up in a place where none of my friends or anyone I knew were in the military, now being in the navy culture and being married and away from my spouse has been the biggest thing I've had to adjustto.  It’s been an experience going through this acclimation time and thinking about when he is deployed and how I will emotionally deal with it.  I must say, although I miss Russ greatly when he is gone or late at work, it isn’t horrible (yet).  I’m staying positive.  This is what has helped me so far:
  • I never focus on how long he has been gone.  Not allowing myself to entertain those thoughts keeps me out of that “woe is me” attitude.
  • Clear expectations.  I knew what I was getting myself into.  Russ and I have always been honest with ourselves, this life isn’t always easy.  We talk all the time about how his job is and he always keeps me posted with any changes that might affect me.  This has made it easier, when you’re honest with yourself on a situation it allows you freedom from disappointment and those not met expectations.
  • I focus on the positives. I have a wonderful husband who is willing to do whatever it takes to provide for our family.  I know that he loves me no matter how far apart we are or how many nights he stays late at work.   Because he physically isn’t there just means I miss him, it doesn’t mean that my life is horrible or that I need to let that “miss you” feeling ruin my day or consume me.
  • I’m not the only one. There are plenty of people that go through this and they make it through just fine: other military wives, wives of those in a band, wives of pilots or traveling business men that only come home on the weekend.   If they can do it so can I
  • Absence does make the heart grow fonder.  Every time he goes away I get to experience his return, an overwhelming joy at seeing him again, something that I wouldn’t get to feel if he just had a 9-5 job.  Also when he is gone it is a big reminder to draw closer to God, it forces me to realize that I need to rely more on God and not just my marriage.  I don’t have to worry about falling into the complacency from a monotonous life; it’s always changing which encourages me to grow.

Some of the Positives
There might be time apart that I’ve got to get used to, but there are some positives about being in the military.. Other than the discounts
  • I’m not alone.  I’ve always been in a church community, but this is another community on top of that.  There is an instant commonality with other navy wives and women in the navy.   You’re all going through the same thing, it bonds you together. 
  • Stability.  Yes he may have to stay late or suddenly leave, but he has a stable job.. our health insurance.. etc.  In an economy like this one it has definitely has been a blessing.  It is a stress that we don’t have to worry about.
  • Go with the flow.  This life teaches you to go with the flow, whatever comes at you.  I know this will make me a stronger person and it sure will keep things exciting.  No stagnant life for me!

Life is Good
The Navy life takes getting used to (and there is a lot of lingo and tradition to learn),
 but overall, Im loving where Russ and I are at in life.

I have a husband that loves me deeply and makes sure I know it
We have a wonderful marriage that is growing strong
I am blessed with a great job
Financially we are on track and getting in a better place
My home is perfect and even the neighbors are wonderful
We found a great church that we are getting involved in (and its 2 miles up the road!)
We have already found some great new friends and reconnected with some great old friends
We have wonderful and supportive family

There are a lot of positives going on in our life right now.  We are so thankful for all we have been blessed with.  God is good.

My Wonderful Husband

His Ship
(well the sign from it.. the ship behind the sign is another one, but it's the same kind)