Monday, August 15, 2011

A Truly Joyous Weekend

Russ and I are so blessed to have some great friends in our life!! 
This past weekend Deidra (my LONG time friend and roommate for many years) and the Schultz family (Steve, Chelsea, and Bella) came to visit.  It was a weekend filled with some serious quality time, laughs, and some good food.  Even though we live far away from them, Russ and I know these people are going to be friends for life.

Proverbs 27:9  "The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense"

The Schultz Family

Deidra and I
a true friend.. always there for me no matter what

Chelsea and I 
Clearly stripes are in right now

The Cutest Baby Girl in the Universe
("world" just would not have cut it.. she is that cute)

Russ playing with Bella

She is talking so much now!
not actual words.. but she sure does have a conversation

Deidra and Bella
Bella sure does love her some Deidra time

Bro time

If only we lived close enough to see her grow up.. and to babysit.. and to spoil her

We were so sad when they all left.. the house seemed so empty


Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Good Habit Plan

This post is a little wordy, yes, but its a good update on my journey from a professional procrastinator to being a motivated person...

I thought of this crazy Idea one day that I am going to change all my habits to good ones and add some new habits.  What a distraction bad habits can be.  Sometimes you’re so busy being distracted by the things that you should do for yourself that you don’t think of the things you should do for others.  Things like “I really need to eat more fiber”  “I should do some sit ups”  “I should read that book that’s been on my nightstand for 8 months”  can consume the day, so I’m making a plan to get my life on track so that I’m at my best, more focused, and always ready for any new opportunity. 

“Fix” my life in a few areas:
  • Physically: Nutrition/Exercise
  • Mentally: Reading/Creativity/Food
  • Organizationally: Home/Finances/”To Dos”/Morning Routine
  • Spiritually: Devotional/God Time/Day of Rest
I’ve been doing this a month so far and I have to say it feels amazing!  (see below for what Im actually doing) I’m still struggling with a couple of the habits (cardio exercise of course is a hard one), but I am slowly integrating them all into my life.  Most of the habits weren’t as hard  as I had made them out to be in my mind, I just had to think to myself that my new way of doing things was the only way, not to rationalize with myself why its ok to be lazy, I was just gonna do it.

Part of my motivation is my very motivated husband, anything on his “to do list” is done before anything else… always.  Sometimes it’s annoying because I want to be lazy and it’s hard to be around someone as driven as him.  One thing that got me thinking about changing is that when he is done he can truly relax.  Instead of going over and over in his head the things he should do, he has done them.
My other motivation is to do something better with my life, to not be so complacent.  How easy it is to get sucked into a lazy routine of doing the bare minimum.  I want to be more driven and have myself on track so that I can be more motivated to try new things, say “Yes” to a new opportunity, and to make it a goal to serve others.  Mostly, to be intentional about it.

These things made such an impact already and I’ve only been doing it for about a month, and have stuck to it!   I figured Id share it since it has made sunch a big impact.  I basically created overly structured times so that all of my other time can be completely free.  I structured my morning, one weekday evening, and a once a month planning session.  This freed up my evenings and weekends (Which is AWESOME!) and I now can say that Im: a cook, I read, Im healthy, Im (getting) fit, Im motivated, Im all caught up and organized, Im growing with God, Im a better wife and a better "me" and Im at peace and happy.

Cleaning/To Do Day (Once a Week):
Cut down on the burden of To Do errands by doing them all in one night.
  • Go Food Shopping (One night a week)
  • Run any Shopping or Library errands
  • Clean the whole house (mop/sweep/vacuum/dust/clean out fridge)
  • Do Laundry
  • Pick out the entire next work week of clothes
It makes it feel like you have less to do when you have one planned day for it.  I only do this one day a week after work.   This is truly a proactive plan, I plan for my “To Do”s before they are even on my list.  Planning has become freeing.

A Morning Routine:
My Morning is structured so my Evenings never need to be.
  • Wake up early (over an hour before I have to leave for work)
  • Grab one of the outfits I’ve already picked for the week (huge morning time saver)
  • Make the bed (this one is entirely because of my husband)
  • Devotional Time
  • Prayer Time
  • Morning Stretches and Workout: abs/arms or legs
  • Straighten up the House
  • Sit down for a calming breakfast
This was a BIG BIG life changer: It made me more focused on God, my body feels better, My evenings are more free, and I feel accomplished before I even start my day.

Monthly Planning:
The Food Plan
I now plan out the entire month’s meals, pick out new recipes, make a list of groceries (that will last all month) and a weekly list of more perishable groceries.  I do one huge food shopping trip at the beginning of the month and then I only have to do quick ones once a week for quickly perishable items.  Since I plan the meals ahead of time I’ve been more creative and healthy in cooking new recipes, Im not just going to what is quick and convenient.  It’s so much fun trying out new recipes and it makes me really feel like a cook!

A Healthy Body:
Stretching and Strength: I do this in the Morning Routine (10-15min)
Cardio: This is my only to do for the evenings, since Ive got everything else done I don’t really have an excuse not to do it, but honestly this is where I still struggle.  My goal is to do cardio every other night.  Since I do the morning quick workouts I still feel good even when its an off (Lazy) night.
What I am eating: I eat certain things from Breakfast to Lunch on Weekdays,  this allows me to feel ok about eating whatever on evenings and weekends.  And the truth is that if you strive to eat healthy (and stick to it) for a certain portion of your day you end up naturally gravitating toward eating healthy food at the other times.  I also make sure I: Drink ~60 oz of liquid before dinner, keep my metabolism up, and eat a balanced diet.
Every M-F I eat every 2 hrs:
                Toast/Eggo/or Cereal (carb energy)
                Coffee & Prune (metabolism jumpstart, fiber, and antioxidants)
                Yogurt (Calcium and those active cultures)
                Soup and /or Salad (low carb, veggies, fiber, and vitamins)
                Hot Cocoa (satisfies sugar craving and calcium)
                Snack (carb energy)
                Green Tea with Honey (antioxidants… and whatever good things are in it)

Misc. Other Changes:
Finances: this Russ and I started doing when we got married, we have a monthly budget and a Expenses & Income spreadsheet that gets updated daily.  This has not only given us good visibility on our financial state, but is more so a great motivation, when you are constantly looking at where you are reminded of where you need to be.
Reading: Ive always wanted to be more of a reader.  It is such a fun way to learn without realizing it.  Since Ive been out of college for a few years I feel like… well.. Im getting dumber.  So I started reading on my lunch break.  It is a perfect break to the workday and it never feels like a burden to fit it into my schedule.  and I dont feel quite as "dumb"
Misc. Errands That Pop Up: I do them always on my lunch break, if not then I will do it on my cleaning day.  This way my evenings and weekends are still free!
Being Creative: I want to start drawing, painting, or being crafty.  This is my last habit to work on implementing.  Im working on the cardio then I’ll try to add this one in as the last piece to my plan.  I don’t have any sort of guidelines on how often, just to occasionally do something creative… I can’t remember the last time I’ve been, so anything is a step up from what Im doing now
Day of Rest:
I want to have Sunday be what it should be, a day of rest and reflection.  God knew and said we’d need it, and I do, so I should probably follow that plan.

So that’s my plan… and the journey Ive been on the past month or so... and now Im just trying to be open to whatever opportunities that God throws my way or I stumble into.   I don’t know why I never did any of these things before; the structure has been the most freeing thing… how ironic

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our First Home Together!!

What a challenge it was to rearrange our first home together as a couple.  Don't get me wrong, I love to decorate and such, that wasn't a problem at all, but we didn't really realize how much "stuff" the two of us had. In my 27 and my Russ' 28 years we have accumulated A LOT.  Piecing it all together, getting rid of a lot (donating of course), making sure no ones feelings gets hurt, and making it look good was a challenge.  And 3 long long long days later...

..the finished (almost finished) product..... we LOVEEEE!!!
I think I may be a little more excited than my husband, but after all, I am female and "nesting" is a big part of being a wife... and it brings me great JOY to have our home all together

The Living Room: my favorite part (other than the awesome windows) is that I have some of my Dad's paintings hung on the walls along with some pictures I took of NY

 Kitchen: it was hard to fit all of my kitchen appliances, or "toys" as Russ calls them

 Reading Room (Nap Room): you'd call it a nap room too if you've ever laid in that chaise chair

Breakfast Nook: since we don't have a full dining room table, this is were Russ and I eat dinner every night and breakfast when we can, just the right size for two!  We want to make sure that we sit down to eat together and instill that in our family as we grow.

Guest Room/Movie Room: When we first moved in we weren't sure what to do with the projector... then we had the best idea ever.. movie/guest room.  It really makes you feel like you're at the movie theater!! The only problem is that the bed is so comfortable is rare we ever make it through a movie without falling asleep.

Clearly that paved area screams HAMMOCK!!

..hopefully a grille will be here soon

...and that is our home.. to see the rest of it you will need to come visit!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

A wise word for relationships

"Criticism is a really bad way to make a request."
I was watching Diane Sawyer on Oprah's show Master Class (which I think is brilliant by the way), and she said this quote regarding marriage from a woman she once interviewed. 

How Brilliant!  The root of most criticism comes from you wanting that person to change their behavior in some way.  How much more growth as a couple and how much less hurt would there be if we merely came to that person with love and say "Hey this makes me feel this way when you do that, lets find a way that we can sort this out."  also being honest with ourselves on why we are criticising in the first place: Is it really just playful? Is it really constructive?

This is one I am really going to think about next time I feel like making some playful sarcastic critic.  Not just with my husband, but every relationship could really be changed without empty hurtful criticisms, but constructive conversations and solutions.  This quote was definitely a growing moment for me.