Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pinterest Craft: Blackboard Paint is Amazing

Awesome People Craft... so I Must be Awesome 
Other than filling up my boring moments at work, Pinterest provides so many amazing ideas.  It has given me motivation to be crafty again! It is so fun to have little projects that are actually useful afterwards

My last Project was the Menu frame for our Fridge, which has been amazing in planning meals for the week.  Here is the link to that blog entry:   Menu DIY Craft



This weekend I took blackboard paint and did two projects:

1. Night and Day glass containers
These handy dandy containers are for the bathroom.  Where I can keep all the little things I use daily, in not only an organized way, but a cute way too

2. Labels for Entertaining. 
You take flat tiles and corner tiles, then paint with blackboard paint, and you have an oh so lovely way to label all those food, drinks, and goodies when hosting a party.

I haven’t been able to use these yet… but I’m sure they are going to be awesome.

You can also skip the blackboard paint and just use dry erase markers directly on the tile, it will wipe off clean.  That is where my inspiration came from for my project.  Here is what it looks like:

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reflection on the Year: Things Past, Things to Come

Ahhh January …the month to reflect and make new year’s resolutions
I’m typically not one for new year’s resolutions really,
but the beginning of the year does create a great time to reflect on
where you are and where you’ve been over the past year.

2011 was a busy year for us:
Marriage, Russ graduated and got commissioned, We went on our first Cruise and first vacation,  we moved to Jacksonville, I got a new job, finding new Friends, new Church, we get to live together in a wonderful house, I’m adjusting to being a Navy wife, Russ is back to going underway and having duty, and those are just the major changes. 

It’s been a busy year, but a great one.  I really am happier than I’ve ever been and I think Russ feels the same way.  I feel like I'm on the path I should be, I’m where I should be, I’m with the right person, and I am progressing. 

I’ve made some changes in 2011 that I feel good about, but there are still some areas and things I need to work on though.   That is why January is a great month.  It really makes you think about your life and where you want it to be. 

2011 Things I am HAPPY about:
HOME: Our home is super organized, clean, and looks how I want it, Russ and I have our duties figured out and the house runs like clockwork
FINANCIAL: We're slowly but surely paying off debt, We started and have kept tithing
MARRIAGE:  Our relationship is growing; we still always have fun together
SPIRITUAL:  I’ve been doing a morning devotional before work daily
PERSONAL:  I’ve been reading, I’m content with my wardrobe (at the moment), I’ve been cooking a lot and trying new recipes, we’ve made some friends, and I’m eating healthy and balanced

2012 Things I am HOPEFUL about:
CHURCH: This year we will be more involved in our new church.  We took a members class the other day and it was awesome, this is where God wants us.  We are going to make the time to attend small groups and volunteer more
FINANCIAL: We are going to pay off more debt and continue on our plan to be debt free
EXERCISE: I need to get fit and exercise more; Russ and I have been taking more walks together and have started to walk not drive the mile to church on Sundays
MARRIAGE: Russ and I are taking steps to make sure we communicate and are supportive of each other, we are starting to eat in the dining room for dinner with no TV on during the week (it’s so easy to get lazy and have the TV on all the time)

Now lets take a little picture walk down memory lane...

January Update

It’s been a while since I blogged, so I have a bit to catch up on. 
I’ll start at the beginning…

Gator Bowl
Russ and I were able to go to the Gator Bowl to see Ohio State and, of course, the Florida Gators!  We got to tailgate with some friends, grill some burgers, and talk football, all very manly.  Overall it was a great day.  It’s always fun to get together with friends and do something that you don’t get to do all the time.  Get out of the house and be outside, eating food, and enjoying each other’s time. 

To sum up the day:
It was very cold
We successfully got the charcoal grill lit and had some d-lish hotdogs
I got sun burnt
I accidently hit myself in the eyeball when I was using my hands to talk in true Italian form (and yes I popped some blood vessels so my eye was red.. cute)
The game was great and so were our seats
After the game Russ bumped into Jeff Driskel one of the QBs for Florida


The Sickness
I’ve been sick a lot it feels this month.. And I’m not a fan of that.  But I’m almost 100% and feeling good.  I had an issue with my knee, which is ongoing, but getting better.  Prescription: exercise more.

A Winner
I won something, I mean Actually won something!
I'm pretty unlucky.  I rarely ever win anything, things don't just fall in my lap, fortune does not pass my way often in the way of luckiness.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very blessed in life and very thankful and happy.  But still, all my life I'm the person that doesnt win things, any raffle or drawing, forget it.... BUT not this time Sir! I'm a Winner! I won a raffle at work for a purse.  and I love the purse. It fits my style.  I gotta tell you though, that fact that I actually won almost is better than what I won... almost.

Under Way
Russ has been gone a lot this month.  To have him gone for 2 weeks out a month is not fun, but hey, that’s the Navy for you.  I miss him a lot when he is gone, but I’m thankful that he is only gone for one week at a time and isn’t deployed yet.  On a positive note, I love writing him “letters” (aka emails) and reading his emails back.  It really strengthens our communication and it makes it exciting to hear from him.  And it’s always really exciting to have him come home!  Makes you realize how much you love and why you love someone when they’re gone.  I Love him a lot.

Thats about it for January
between me being sick and Russ gone a bunch, its been a little more low key ..but overall still a good month.  Im happy, healthy, and have good people in my life.  Sounds good to me.